Saturday, 7 September 2024

RIP Jasan Jesuthasan 1949-2017


We are sad to announce the death of a long standing supporter of the NLP and our one time resident poet before falling ill, Mr. Jasan (nee Emmanuel) Jesuthasan. In his memory we are reproducing one of his earliest poems ‘I have a right to dream’ which encapsulates his and our world view.


I have a Right to Dream


I have a right to dream,

People all have rights to dream,

That one day soon, elitist states,

Supra-national governments,

Multinational business conglomerates,

Betting junkies on people money- banks

Indeed all controlling economic forces

Be brought under the control of masses.


I have a right to dream,

People all have rights to dream

For a livable nation of social justice,

To be free of tyranny of economic forces,

Governed not by non-equal prejudices,

But organized by people conscience,

Along earth worthy ideals and environmentalism,

And linked by a globally enriching progressive nationalism.


I have a right to dream,

People all have rights to dream

We all have rights to such a dream.



20th October, 2011

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