Saturday, 7 September 2024

Read Issue 1 of Free Speech
ISSUE 1 of Free Speech came out towards the end of September last year.  Produced by the Facebook group Free Speech: How Do We Protect It? the raison d’être of both the group and publication is to promote, protect and preserve civil and religious liberties for all.

Free Speech takes its cue from Mick Hume’s excellent and thought-provoking book Trigger Warning: Is the Fear of Being Offensive Killing Free Speech? As such, it looks at several areas (such as the internet, comedy and football) where the right to free speech (and assembly) is under threat from illiberal ‘liberals’ and ‘Reverse-Voltaires’.  Indeed, in the light of fairly recent events – such as the ‘No Platforming’ of Peter Tachell and the ‘anti-semitism’ row involving Ken Livingstone – Free Speech is as relevant today as it was when it was first published.
As a party that advocates free speech, the National Liberal Party is helping to distribute Free Speech. With this in mind, to get hold of your FREE pdf copy of issue 1 of Free Speech, simply e-mail

• CHECK OUT Free Speech: How Do We Protect It? here:
• FOR MORE information about Free Speech: How Do We Protect It? click here:
• CHECK OUT this review of issue 1 of Free Speech:
• ISSUE 2 of Free Speech is due out soon.  Keep your eyes peeled for further information in due course!
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