Saturday, 7 September 2024

Global Markets Free Nations


THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY is running its own campaign designed to promote a NO vote in the forthcoming European Referendum. To date we’ve produced several e-posters (1 – 5) which are being viralled out via social media. As can be seen, they’re a mixture of both ‘in your face’ and more nuanced e-posters. All of them cater for different people. We will be producing many more in the run up to the Referendum itself.

However, the NLP is also working in conjuction with the Friends Party and Libertarian Party and endorsed by others to promote a positive vote Leave the EU campaign.

This campaign is named Global Markets Free Nations. It seeks to highlight the positives of ending the UK’s membership of the European Union. Global Markets Free Nations would prefer to see small, free and independent states rather than large power-blocs that lead to conflict and seek to grow at the expense of others.

We will be looking at this campaign group – as well as some others which advocate freedom – in a little more detail in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, we’d encourage all National Liberals to visit the Global Markets Free Nations Facebook site here:

We’d also encourage as many people as possible to become active with this group. Information stalls and door-to-door leafletting sessions have already started and a hardcopy campaign poster is also planned.

Displayed above is the first of a series of e-posters that has already been produced. It specifically looks at the reason why the NLP is promoting a NO vote – on the grounds of self-determination and decentralisation.

You can also find this e-poster here and we’re asking all of those who oppose Britain’s membership of the EU to ‘like and share’ it via Facebook and to link it via their Twitter accounts and ask others to RT it. Do it today!






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