National Liberal Party 2015 General Election Manifesto – Section 9 – Immigration
NATIONAL LIBERALS believe in Self-Determination for all. A central pillar of both political and national Self-Determination is the right for all people to say how they work, who they trade with and who can come to live and work in their respective countries.
Self-Determinists reject mass (as apart from a normal flow of) immigration on grounds of sustainability, a democratic deficit (in that ordinary working folks were never asked if they were in favour of immigration) and the fact that immigrants are used as slave labour (on minimum wages at best) and tax fodder to keep the the super-rich elite in their plush lifestyles.
We also believe that those who support mass immigration are supporting the aims of globalism and capitalism. Here, low wages and the erosion of long-established terms and conditions of work are the norm. Those who support mass immigration are supporting a system which promotes ‘a race to the bottom’ for both indigenous and migrant workers.
As always, the NLP wishes to encourage debate and feedback – good, bad or indifferent. To let us know what you think of our ideas relating to Political Self-Determination, simply go to our Facebook page here and look out for this article – simply post your views in the comments section.
Illegal Immigration
• We will ensure that immigrants do not overstay on their visas.
A large part of illegal immigration consists of people entering the UK legally on a visa, and then overstaying once that visa expires. We will ensure that our immigration authorities have the means to police expired visas.
Employment Visa Sponsorship
• A company wishing to sponsor a visa for a migrant worker must ensure that the job will pay at least 75% of the national average per month.
This policy ensures that where migrant workers take a job, they are not hurting the poorest members of society by competing for jobs at the lowest tier.
We recognise that skilled immigrants do bring much-needed skills to the workplace. We also recognise that unlimited immigration will strain our social support infrastructure. We aim to strike a balance between these two needs.
Political Refugees
• We will ensure that refugees can continue to seek safe haven in the UK.
We believe that there is a huge difference between those who are genuinely oppressed in their native lands and those who are ‘economic migrants.’
To obtain your FREE copy of the NLP Manifesto, simply click here:
Date: May 6, 2015
Categories: Party News