New member to the National Council
The party welcomes Doris Jones, an ardent campaigner for human rights, onto the ruling National Council of 5. In a statement the Council said they very much looked forward to working with Doris who was a tireless campaigner for good causes.
A qualified advocate and para legal. Currently supporting children in poor countries and supporting disabilities rights for those less fortunate than ourselves.
Also campaigning for women and children rights and was a board member of Women’s Aid Northampton, England. A member of United Nation Association-United Kingdom and a committee member of Nations without States.
Has a strong belief on Self Determination for all oppressed Nations. Very much supports equality and freedom for everyone regardless of skin colour, gender, race and religions. Doris says “One of dreams is that no-one should be mentally or physically tortured due to differences of faith. Let all peoples live in freedom with responsibilities”.
Date: May 4, 2014
Categories: Party News