Tuesday, 22 October 2024

What The Papers Say – A Very Dangerous Man Indeed
‘SPEECH Is free with the NLP!’

MEMBERS AND SUPPORTERS of the National Liberal Party – NLP – will be very familiar with the above slogan. We use it to underlne our absolute commitment to the idea of freedom of thought and speech. With this in mind, we’ve reproduced an article (which appeared towards the end of May) by Leapy Lee, said to be ‘possibly the most controversial columnist’ attached to Euro Weekly News. EWN is Spain’s largest group of free English language papers, with a circulation of 134,000 per week.

Whilst we don’t agree with everything that Lee says, we both defend his right to say it and admire his honest and forthright approach. This is particularly so of the article we’ve reproduced (below) concerning Tony Blair.

We were particularly taken by Lee’s assertion that ‘Millions of UK subjects hate and despise’ Blair. We feel that this accurately sums up the way ordinary working families view members of the establishment. Those who make up the establishment are so arrogant – so full of their own importance – that they can’t believe that the ‘plebs’ don’t fall over themselves to worship at their feet. This description is fairly accurate when it comes to Blair, given his narcissism and almost messianic complex. For its part, the NLP hopes that, one day, Blair’s arrogance will lead to his downfall.

It goes without saying that there are no official links between Leapy Lee, Euro Weekly News and the NLP.


A Very Dangerous Man Indeed

Tony Blair - former Labour Prime Minister, Remainer and War Criminal

AS sure as night prededes day and the Pope follows the teachings of Catholicism, the Blair person is now up and running.

As I predicted some months ago, this thick skinned, arrogant individual, who many consider an indictable war criminal, is now poised waiting to pounce. The omens of opportunity for this dangerous opportunist to present his ‘new’ alternative party, are all coming together like some ominous web waiting to engulf all who fail to see the trap.

This odious creature and his equally abhorrent mate, now see themselves presented with exactly the same set of circumstances they were confronted with when he commandeered the Labour party in 1994. His initial move has been to work on his personal public image. He now looks the part.

Tanned, toned and slightly greying at the temples, he presents the perfect picture of a supremely confident future party leader. Before him he sees the mouth watering prospect of a Labour party with a weak inept leader, that is coming apart at the seams, no other party with enough support to form any serious opposition and a public confused and uncertain with the outcome of their decision to leave the European Union. What better time to reveal that he, Tony Blair, has the answer to all its problems?

His opening political gambit has been to announce that the Brexit decision could be reversed. Brilliant. This statement alone could gain a new alternative party millions of followers. And that’s just the beginning. When Labour is hopefully routed in the coming elections, disgruntled and despondent left wings will flock to a party formed by an ex-Labour leader who successfully took them to victory on three separate occasions. Make no mistake Blair is a very clever and extremely astute individual.

Any man who begins his career in public service by becoming Prime Minister, when most aspire to that position only after many years in the political arena, is a very dangerous man indeed. As fas as resources are concerned, I have no doubt that with the cronies he has accrued over the past number of years, his party funding pit will be all but bottomless. Unfortunately for Mr Blair, he has overlooked one glaring fact of life. Millions of UK subjects hate and despise him.

Many, including yours truly, consider him responsible for the death of thousands, and, along with Bush, the root cause of the whole Middle Eastern tragedy which resulted in the demise of millions. So, assuming the notoriously short memory span of the British public doesn’t rear its ugly head, I’m afraid all this Antichrists efforts to regain power are doomed to failure. At least I sincerely hope so.

Meanwhile back at the old homestead, with ever increasing desperation, Corbyn is promising the British public … well just about everything. With not one suggestion, except for robbing the rich, to pay for any of it. All together now Jerry Corbyn, Jerry Corbyn, riding through the glen …
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