Thursday, 13 March 2025

Trump Isn’t Another Hitler. He’s Another Obama. (Part 1)

DONALD JOHN TRUMP became the 45th President of the United States on 20th January, 2017. Since then he’s hardly ever been out of the headlines. The media, in particular, seem to be following a pre-planned narrative. Therefore, the headlines tend to revolve around lurid tales concerning his sex life, being under the control of the Russians or being a second Hitler.

For a long time Trump has been (and still is) what might be termed a ‘colorful and controversial’ character. His straight talking combined with some alleged politically incorrect views puts him light years apart from any former President, and indeed, many US career politicians. His extensive use of Twitter – thus circumventing the Mainstream Media – MSM – has also put many noses out of joint.

But who really is Donald Trump?

He’s been President for well over a year now and many of us still don’t really understand what motivates or drives him. In order to do so, we must put emotion aside and totally ignore silly gossip, rumours of scandal and all forms of character assassination. If we want to really understand Trump – and thus, US home and fioreign policy – we need to look way beyond the orange skin and strange hairstyle.

One way of learning about (and thus understanding) Trump is to examine what others say about him. Again, we’re not interested in articles that contain wild allegations. Instead we must look at more serious studies of him – no matter what side of the political divide they come from.

With this in mind, our attention has been drawn to an article by Caitlin Johnstone which was published by the US on-line publicatione Medium. We’ll be reproducing her article in sections but you can read it here:

Caitlin Johnstone describes herself as ‘an uncouth heretic and unapologetic rabble rouser writing out of Melbourne, Australia. Rogue journalist. Bogan socialist. Anarcho-psychonault. Guerilla poet. Utopia prepper. You will disagree with me sometimes. That’s okay. And Medium declares that it ‘taps into the brains of the world’s most insightful writers, thinkers, and storytellers to bring you the smartest takes on topics that matter. So whatever your interest, you can always fresh thinking and unique perspectives.’

Caitlin Johnstone seems to suggest that President Trump is merely following on where President Obama left off. We’re tempted to agree with this analysis. The political style of Trump is completely different from that of Obama, but they’re essentially following the same path dictated to them by the US Military-Industrial complex.

We invite our readers to share their thoughts when this article is reproduced on our Facebook sites here and here It goes without saying that there are no official links between
Caitlin Johnstone, Medium and the National Liberal Party.


Trump Isn’t Another Hitler. He’s Another Obama. (Part 1)

Current US President Trump and former US President Obama. The political style of Trump is completely different from that of Obama, but they’re essentially following the same path dictated to them by the US Military-Industrial complex.

NOT A LOT of people remember this, but George W Bush actually campaigned in 2000 against the interventionist foreign policy (1) that the United States had been increasingly espousing. Far from advocating the full-scale regime change ground invasions that his administration is now infamous for, Bush frequently used the word “humble” when discussing the type of foreign policy he favored, condemning nation-building, an over-extended military, and the notion that America should be the world’s police force.

Eight years later, after hundreds of thousands of human lives had been snuffed out in Iraq and Afghanistan and an entire region horrifically destabilized, Obama campaigned against Bush’s interventionist foreign policy, edging out Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries partly because she had supported the Iraq invasion while he had condemned it. The Democrats, decrying the warmongering tendencies of the Republicans, elected a President of the United States who would see Bush’s Afghanistan and Iraq and raise him (2) Libya, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia, along with a tenfold increase in drone strikes (3). Libya collapsed into a failed state (4) where a slave trade runs rampant (5) and half a million people died (6) in the Syrian war that Obama and US allies exponentially escalated (7).

Eight years later, a reality TV star and WWE Hall-of-Famer was elected President of the United States by the other half of the crowd who was sick to death of those warmongering Democrats. Trump campaigned on a non-interventionist foreign policy (8) saying America should fight terrorists but not entre into regime change wars with other governments. He thrashed his primary opponents as the only one willing to unequivocally condemn Bush and his actions, then won the general election partly by attacking the interventionist foreign policy of his predecessor and his opponent, and criticizing Hiillary Clinton’s hawkish no-fly agenda in Syria.

Now he’s approved the selling of arms to Ukrane (9) to use against Russia, a dangerously hawkish move that even Obama refused to make (10) for fear of increasing tensions with Moscow. His administration has escalated trop presence in Afghanistan (11) and made it abundantly clear that the Pentagon has no intention (12) of leaving Syria anytime soon despite the absence of any reasonable justification (13) for US presence there. The CIA had ratcheted up operations in Iran (14) months into Trump’s presidency, shortly before the administration began running the exact same script against that country (15) that the Obama administration ran on Libya, Syria and Ukraine.

Maybe US presidents are limited to eight years because that’s how long it takes the public to forget everything.


(2) party-candidate-correct-about-us-/














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