Saturday, 8 February 2025

The Fighting Programme Of The Social Credit Party – Part 2 Government: Make The Will Of The People Effective
THE SOCIAL CREDIT Party Of Great Britain & Northern Ireland was formed in the early 1930s.  Led by John Hargrave – sometimes called Britain’s forgotten visionary – it promoted the Social Credit ideas of Major Clifford Hugh ‘C. H.’ Douglas.
As we’ve previously noted, we regard both C. H. Douglas & John Hargrave as points of reference.  By ‘point of reference’ we mean that we find some of what they said and/or did of great interest.  However, it does not mean that we put them on a pedestal, so to speak.
With the above in mind, we’re reproducing The Fighting Programme Of The Social Credit Party (produced by the SCP in 1939.) 
Part 2 of the publication is very interesting.  It appears to recognise that if the people are to be loyal to the nation, then the nation needs to be loyal to the people.  This means that there needs to be some form of binding ‘contract’ between the nation & people.
National Liberals should find much food for thought here.  Hargrave (in the late 1930s) was proposing referendums, decentralisation & a reduction in bureaucracy.
He also appears to have been well ahead of his time via his call for a ‘National Information Bureau to be established to which all citizens may apply for reliable information.’  The UK Freedom of Information Act was only passed in 2000.


The Fighting Programme Of The Social Credit Party – Part 2  Government:  Make The Will Of The People Effective


2.  GOVERNMENT:  Make the Will of the People Effective
Therefore, Democratic Government to be made more effective by means of a technique whereby the Will of the People is first ascertained by rapid referendum and then translated into action on the principle of direct leadership and responsibility throughout the administrative system by Heads of Department directing the Civil Service.
Decentralisation  The Principle of Decentralisation to be established allowing social, political and cultural self-determination to England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland within the framework of a United British Government.
Representation  The United British Government to be formed from  representatives elected by the peoples of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
Balloting  Government bodies to be elected by secret ballot and all second votes abolished.
Bureaucracy  Bureaucratic control to be reduced to the minimum.
The Law  The Law to be simplified and made intelligible to the layman. Legal interference in the private life of the individual to be progressively reduced. Judges to remain independent of the Government. Litigation to be equally accessible to all.
Religion  Freedom of Worship to be maintained
Information  The People to be told the Truth. Publication of all news sources dealing with current affairs to be compulsory.
A National Information Bureau to be established to which all citizens may apply for reliable information.
The Press  Freedom of the Press to be guaranteed.

•  THIS ARTICLE should be read in conjunction with: 
The Fighting Programme Of The Social Credit Party – Introduction
The Fighting Programme Of The Social Credit Party – Part 1 Finance: Establish A Sane Economic System
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