Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Tag » Joseph Chamberlain

‘The Patriotic conscience of Liberalism’ – National Liberal activists meet in London

Last weekend National Liberal activists met at a prestigious venue in Central London to discuss the way forward.

A full agenda discussed Ideology, Recruitment, Promotion, Literature, Policies and Campaigns. Delegates agreed that our first aim is to point out that there has always been a patriotic liberal tradition, represented by figures such as Joseph Chamberlain, Lord Roseberry and Sir John Simon. The NLP is here to breath life back into that tradition and to act as the ‘Patriotic conscience of Liberalism’. The meeting agreed to continue to highlight our anteceedents and to develop the National Liberal tradition. We would re-launch the Target 10 campaign and aim to target Liberal Democrat marginals highlighting those MP’s betrayal of Liberal and National values.

Recruitment was discussed. We should be appealling to a broad church of Liberals, Independents and the non-aligned. Greater effort would be put into Facebook promotion and reaching out to new sympathisers. More effort was required than before into turning supporters into actual members. The meeting agreed to producing ‘An Introduction to the National Liberal Party’ booklet and a leaflet focussing on just five key policies. A Policy Team and forum would ultimately look at policy in detail.

In the meantime delegates were urged to promote the National Liberal ‘Yes to AV’ campaign based on a ‘shake up the system’ theme. Our leaflet has recently been updated (copies can be obtained by sending £10 to NLP, PO BOX 4217, Hornchurch RM12 4PJ or by going to the Resources section under the Party Organisation drop bar). Councillor (and National Secretary) David Durant said “We haven’t had any meaningful electoral reform of how we elect our MPs for 100 years. We need to shake up the system. AV is just the start!”.

Elections were discussed and hopes were expressed for our candidate in the forthcoming local elections in Cuffley, Hertfordshire. Finally delegates agreed to promote the concept of the campaigning and cross-party Peoples Alliance. The latter is designed to allow small centrist parties to organise and promote themselves more efectively via this co-operative body rather than alone. The meeting ended with delegates agreeing to meet again later in the year to discuss progress. Everyone came away enthused and confident that National Liberalism would begin to influence UK politics. Anyone wishing to get involved should get in touch via natliberal@aol.com.

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