Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Sign The Petition – Defend The NHS!

Left: Junior doctors strike to save the NHS. Right: Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt wants to destroy the NHS.

DAVID CAMERON likes to pretend that the Tories have a social conscience. His propaganda line is that the Conservatives are compassionate – that they feel our pain and suffering. Sadly, some folks have swallowed this tale hook, line and sinker. Indeed, many repeat the Tory austerity lie that ‘there’s no money’ and that ‘we’re all in this together’.

However, the Tory ‘social conscience’ mask slips when it comes to the National Health Service. For some bizarre reason, they can’t stand the NHS. And as this report – http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/

3-top-tories-call-for-nhs-413096 – which goes back to 2009 notes, they’ve wanted to do away with if for a long time now.

Although Cameron has a majority in Westminster he knows that he can’t just dump the NHS. That really would cause a stir! That’s why the Tories prefer to kill off the NHS one small bit at a time.

The job of dismantling the NHS has fallen to  Jeremy Richard Streynsham Hunt. Hunt – who was educated at Charterhouse public school and Oxford – is the Tory MP for South West Surrey.

Since late September 2012 he’s been Health Secretary. According to his web-site – https://www.conservatives.com/OurTeam/Members_of_Parliament/Hunt_Jeremy – this means that ‘he has overall responsibility for public health, the NHS and social care in England’.

The National Liberal Party would query Hunt’s definition of ‘responsibility’ towards the NHS.

Indeed, we believe that he is a key privatiser in the Tory party. His agenda would see the NHS re-structured along U.S. lines where only those with the funds to buy insurance would receive health care. This is the beginning of the ‘Hunger Games’ society of uncaring Tory promoted capitalism.

This is not just our view. Listen to this female junior doctor – https://www.facebook.com/LBC/videos/10153741907721558/?pnref=storywho notes that Hunt’s current attacks on junior doctors is part of a “wider political picture” and that people should “take into account the socio-political climate.”

With her warning about the current “socio-political climate” in mind, we’re asking all National Liberals to sign – and importantly to share – this petition created by Dr Christopher Erswell:


It notes that because the NHS is such an important institution in the UK, that before any further measures are legislated to privatise it, outsource it and introduce a for-profit, private insurance-based system, a referendum should be held on the question.

If 10,000 people sign it the government will respond to the petition. And if 100,000 people sign it will be considered for debate in Parliament

We’re also asking all National Liberals to help us expose Cameron and Hunt’s health agenda. We believe that the NHS is a vital public asset – it shouldn’t be for private profit. Indeed, only a Tory could think of making money out of the misery and suffering of ordinary folks.

* WE BELIVE that the Tory attack on the NHS goes way beyond their attack on junior doctors. However, please take two minutes out to watch this animation – https://www.facebook.com/dothejbox/videos/10101397847639533/?pnref=story which exposes government lies and explains why against the junior doctors have been forced into taking strike action.

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