ISSUE 2 of Caledonian Voice – the Voice of the National Liberal Party – was produced in February. The main article (For A Free Scotland In A Free Europe!) examined the European Union and found much wanting. As our article of the time noted, Caledonian Voice found the EU “increasingly totalitarian.” It also felt that the EU was a “bureaucratic regime” that employed a form of central planning “very similar to that employed by the old Soviet Union.”
This review of Caledonian Voice has been written by Liam Clarke. As with all of his articles and reviews, this is full of passion, sincerity and is highly personal. If you wish to have your say regarding Liam’s review, simply check out and look for the link to this article.
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THERE IS LITTLE that I need to say about the latest issue of Caledonian Voice. Is it because it is so bad? Not at all! I don’t need to say much because Caledonian Voice – CV – says everything that, as a National Liberal, I would want to say myself.
I am not a Scot, but as an Englishman, and a brother of the Scots, it is my belief that they should not stand idly by and accept complete destruction by the bureaucrats in Brussels. The European Union (and note how the language used in describing the EU is now identical to that of the former Communist institution), is comprised of many different political classes and ideologies. Yet, it seems that the one political POV the EU will not accept in its chambers is true nationalism, or more specifically, national pride.
Across the globe Scotland has a reputation as one of the proudest nations on earth. Yet like many other proud states under the jackboot of Brussels, it seems the national issues of Scotland are being drowned beneath a sea of contempt for independent Nations.
But what is more sublime about this edition of CV is that, unlike the fascist rhetoric of the far right, it recognises the needs of those in Eastern Europe. They are not to blame for seeking out a life that’s much better than the one they are being offered in their home countries. (Ironically, countries like Poland have been destroyed by totalitarianism before – firstly by the Third Reich, then the USSR and now by the very institution allegedly set up for the purpose of preventing that type of dictatorship!)
CV also points out that money-loving (and dare I say ‘evil capitalists’) have tempted underprivileged Europeans to foreign lands with the promise of a better life. Consequently they are to blame for the disintegration of economies Europe-wide. As it notes “the EU (and the political elites) exist to benefit big business and not ordinary working families and communities.”
Personally, I don’t particularly care whether I am in a workplace where there are people called Pavel or Vladimir. Nor do I care whether my children shall be attending a school with people who have surnames that contain about 20 vowels. The issue for me (with people moving across Europe) is not the one being spurted out by UKIP or the BNP, but simply one of compassion.
There are three reasons why it is dangerous to allow people to move freely throughout EU states:
1. It puts an incredible strain on the infrastructure of the host nation. Areas like the health service, education and employment are all effected.
2. The EU (in its current format) has destroyed countries in Eastern Europe. The answer isn’t simply to ‘Send Them Back Home!’ or ‘Close Our borders!’ We need to recognise the problems in these countries and the other areas of Europe that are in crisis. Only a reformed Europe can address and fix these problems.
3. I believe that immigration has benefited many countries in the past, present and will do so in the future. Has any country in this world has grown economically without some form of immigration? Immigration brings fresh insights, new technology and a fresh perspective. It is nothing new and indeed it is not harmful or dangerous – unless you are one of those idiots who feels that being of a particular race means that you are ‘superior’ to others.
My point here is that thinking on purely racial or cultural terms is more damaging than immigration ever will be. I have spent so much time in this review talking about this issue because I feel that we’re in real danger from the reactionary nature of the BNP and UKIP. To me, Caledonian Voice has addressed this issue very successfully, while at the same time maintaining its pride in Scotland. This is how any future campaigning (especially for the European elections) should be done, with pride, integrity and compassion.
• CHECK out Liam’s previous reviews of various National Liberal Party publications: