The British public is slowly losing heart and interest in politics. The number of people in political parties is declining, the turnouts at election falling. We believe it is driven more by despair than apathy, since the gulf between what political legislators and the public believe in seems insurmountable. The lies, the spin and corruption seems to many to be the hallmark of politics.
Fundamentally we believe that the best way to reengage the public to electoral politics would be to introduce a form (Single Transferable Vote) of proportional representation (PR). This ensure that there would be no more ‘wasted’ votes and that a greater cross-section of political views and ideas would be represented within legislatures. We also believe in introducing Swiss-style referendums and Initiatives to ensure the people’s wishes are paramount rather than rule by political elites and party bosses.
Until that time we must look to smaller measures. We have previously reported on the cross-party group Total Democracy’s first campaign to get the tick box
None of the Above on all ballot papers see
This would serve two purposes: Firstly, it would allow voters to express their disgust at the candidates on offer. Secondly, because of that, it is likely to increase voter turnouts which have been steadily falling over the last few years.
In support of the campaign the NLP has produced some posters and and a national leaflet for distribution. You can download the leaflet HERE and the poster HERE or send £5 for 100 leaflets to NLP, PO Box 4217, Hornchurch RM12 4PJ.