NLP Statement concerning a new People’s Alliance
The following is a statement released by the NLP National Executive:
We have been approached by a number of groups who wish to co-operate in a campaigning and electoral ‘Alliance’.
We believe that no small party can ‘take power’ against an entrenched establishment with money to burn. We don’t even believe that one party can appeal to all sections of society. We do believe however that if groups co-operate in favour of matters of mutual concern e.g. electoral reform, referenda, free speech, national Independence etc then we all benefit.
Ultimately we believe only an ‘Alliance of the Good’ can get down to the business of influencing/changing our lives for the better. We have stated as (national) Liberals our support for co-operative bodies and electoral coalitions on a number of occasions.
We have therefore supported the formation of a Steering Committee of the PEOPLES ALLIANCE (UK) (based on the successful localised group formed in Havering). Details will be announced in the near future but It will be publicly launched with a campaigning leaflet endorsed by the PA.
Date: October 27, 2010
Categories: NEWS CLIPS