DAVID KERR – a member of the National Liberal Party’s Steering Committee – has slammed the banking system!
His comments come in the wake of both the Libor scandal involving Barclays Bank (and the ongoing computer glitch which has caused problems for thousands who use the Royal Bank of Scotland and its subsidiaries, Nat West and Ulster Bank.)
Mr. Kerr said:
“Barclays has just been fined a record £290million for its part in the Libor scandal. This is where they rigged the lending rate, which has affected millions of homeowners and borrowers.”
The NLP man noted that – in the past – many people had just focused on the enormous salaries and bonuses enjoyed by those at the top of the banking system.
“However, it now appears that people are going to have to look a little bit more at the entire banking system. For instance, is this manipulation of bank lending rates just the tip of the iceberg?”
He also pointed out that around 20 other banks are also under investigation.
“According to many media reports, these include such well-known names such as the Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds and the HSBC.
With this in mind, is it any wonder that many people believe that these private banks should be nationalised and amalgamated into one National Bank?”