Friday, 10 January 2025

Our resident poet, Jason, reflects on the nature of ‘modern wars’, be it the impact of new technology or ‘ideological’ armies. The UK has chosen to be a protagonist at the behest of the US, rather than be neutral like Switzerland (our ideal country). Reflect upon the misery visited across the world.
Dear Friends
In modern wars, 90% of victims are found to be civilians according to the BBC.
We see new weapons (drones, computer directed missiles), and new crude actors (state forces, Taliban, Jihadists, rebels who pay not the slightest heed to humanitarian concerns).

The bombing of hospitals and blockades of food to hospitals and shelters (in one instance, 35 attempts were made and prevented o deliver food/water and medicine to a remote refugee camp). Such were the experiences of Tamils in the Vanni, Sri Lanka.
Multiple armed groups in a single conflict (Syria, Libya, Sri Lanka at one time), and new crude actors (Taliban, terror outfits) all contribute to make modern wars a killing field for innocent civilians.
Combatants hardened to suffering, such as of some pilots or drone controllers on bombing missions treating it as if were a video game, without realising the human toll at the end of it.
So all of this compiled in a poem titled “Modern Wars”.
Though only an idealist as me could imagine a war-less world, yet there is no harm in dreaming.
Utter not: War as legal,
Speak not too, killing as moral.
For millenniums, the breath
Of millions got robbed; delivering death
Got spoken of as means for birth
Or maintenance of ideals in this earth
Void of love. Mass cullings licensed
As war, and its twisted use pronounced
With pride to the glee of ruling elites,
And to the delight of battle field profiteers’!
Moral and just wars, the world heard enough!
What moral in a war? Butchery and plunder!
To maim and torch! To fire drones to blunder
The lives of innocent civilians; or endless buff
Of chemical, biological and crude weapons
Into densely populated cities; while morons
In cockpits gleefully target persons on the ground
Like target shooting played on video games!
Wars have sunk man to his ultimate shame!
Rebels, radicals, conservatives, dictators,
Socialists, jihadists, liberals, democrats:
To wage war and to form alliance for a kill,
Be they of any shade of politics, they’re all evil.
The kings’ wars fought in isolated battle fields,
While modern wars delivered on concrete mazes
Of homes, refugee camps, shelters and hospitals.
From them, in shivering fear, rolling tears, eyes gases
At onrushing death fast on to them. That last
Moments of death, if imposed on those
Who initiate wars, perhaps an end to wars
Could be found! So dreams an idealist.


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