Monday, 13 January 2025

National Liberals believe in democratic reform. Although we profess to live in a democratic country our institutions leave a lot to be desired. A Parliament largely neutered by a powerful Executive (Cabinet), voting dictated by party whips, MPs happy to flout the wishes of the ‘majority’ believing that they ‘know best’. A second (reforming or blocking?) chamber that is appointed by birth or as a political favour. Rather than seeing power decentralised downwards, we have in recent times seen it taken from Councils and transfered up to Parliament or appointed quangos. An electoral system that largely clings onto the old fashioned and least democratic First-past-the-post voting method, limiting representation and entrenching existing interests.
As National Liberals, we support the decentralisation of power to the national Assemblies (including potentially England) and Councils from Westminster, we support a (partially) elected second house, representatives elected via Proportional Representation whilst ‘controlling’ them by Recall. Fundamentally, we support the introduction of Referendums as a constitutional measure whereby major issues will be decided by a popular vote, as in Switzerland. Thus, we support movements that seek to change our present system(s) towards a more democratic future.
One new, emerging, force is the cross-party (and no-party) Democratic Reform MovementThey have their first conference this Thursday evening. If you are free why not read their advert below?:
Are you interested in democratic reform and/or the state of the economy? If so a conference and debate will be held for you on:

Facing an Economy in Crisis, December 8th – 7.00 PM

Henry VIII Hotel
23 Leinster Gardens
London W2 3AN
Underground : Queensway or Lancaster Gate

The event is the first one organised by the Democratic Reform Movement (DRM). The DRM is an international organisation, being designed to promote democratic reform around the world. It acts as a platform for cooperation between different organisations on specific campaigns; thus for example if it had existed before the May Referendum it could have coordinated campaigning actions between all the different ‘yes to av’ groups. It is being established at the moment. Thus its identity will be shaped by the organisations and people who get involved in the coming years. Our aims are to: promote democracy and progressive reforms; support systems of sharing and cooperation; create a better education system for all; encourage the removal of artificial barriers between peoples; and empower people at every level of governance.

If you would like any further details please comment on our facebook page:

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