Attack on DLA and Attendance Allowance
The NuLab government has announced new proposals to reform social care services in England. The care green paper proposes to abolish some disability benefits and give the money instead to local authorities to pay for social care services. There are also plans to extend this beyond England. The UK government has said:- “Any changes to the care and support system in England that integrate some disability benefits funding would affect the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who may also choose to adopt the new care and support system. We will work closely with all three devolved administrations to reach a shared view for how to ensure the best possible outcomes for all people in thw UK.”
The National Liberal Party (NLP) is strongly opposed to the abolition of Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance. We believe that these benefits are the original individualised budgets which many disabled people rely on to pay for the additional costs associated with disability. These extra costs include: higher fuel bills and heating costs; special diets; costs of extra laundry; taxi fares; help with shopping; gardening; decorating; housework etc. To abolish either AA or DLA would go against the principles of the Independent Living Movement in ensuring that disabled people have dignity, choice and control over their own finances and can pay for essential support not provided by social work services.
Please sign this Petition.
Date: November 1, 2009
Categories: UK News