Saturday, 27 July 2024

The NLP believes that, following Westminster’s promise to devolve more powers to the Scottish Parliament (Holyrood), now is the time to move the country into a Devo-Max aka Federal UK.
Whilst more power will require transferring to national Parliaments so that, ideally, Westminster will be trimmed down in size to handle its area of responsibility i.e. Defence, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Affairs, and Finance, the missing link is England. Establishment politicians have promoted the idea that devolution for England would be via councils rather than an English Parliament.
Many disagree. Party member and councillor Graham Williamson also had a letter published in the Local Government Association’s magazine explaining why this is a mistake Whilst we support greater decentralisation to councils (after PM Thatcher first began the process of taking powers away) throughout the whole of the UK, under the principle of Subsidiarity (responsibility being exercised at the most practical lowest level), an English Parliament is a necessity.
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