Sunday, 8 September 2024

Disability Update

MEMBERS and supporters of the National Liberal Party – NLP – may recall that we’ve featured a couple of articles written by West-Midlands based, Simon Stevens. Simon describes himself as an ‘independent inclusion issues consultant, trainer and activist’. He is regarded as one of Britain’s foremost disability advocates.

You can check out the articles we’ve previously carried here and here

In the very near future we’ll carry some more of his articles – all aimed at sparking debate relating to disability issues. In the meantime, readers can check out his new web-site You can also find him on Facebook or join the 21.5 thousand follows of his Twitter feed @simonstevens74

Please note that there is no official link between the National Liberal Party and Simon Stevens. Thus, it should not be taken that Simon endorses the NLP or that we unconditionally support everything that he writes. As we noted earlier, we’re simply interested in stimulating any debate relating to disability issues.

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