Friday, 18 October 2024

Britain’s membership of the EU – Let the People (always) decide!

AT THE END of last month we reported on the vast gulf that existed between Parliament and the people. This gulf was demonstrated when members of the Con-Dem Government and the Labour-led ‘Opposition’ voted against allowing the British people a vote in a referendum on the EU.

Britain's membership of the EU - Let the People (always) decide!

483 MPs voted against allowing a referendum – whilst 111 voted for. Those that voted against a referendum voted against democracy!

According to a recent poll for the Guardian “Some 70% of voters want a vote on Britain’s EU membership.”

This means that less than 500 MPs can frustrate the views of 70% of the people! So much for Parliamentary democracy and Westminster representing the will of the people!

However, the people who collected 100,000 signatures – which led to the referendum debate in the House of Commons – have not taken this undemocratic result lying down!

For the Campaign for a Referendum (a cross party initiative) has just launched another petition!

Explaining the thinking behind this new petition, the CfaD say:

“When the French, Dutch and Irish voted No to the EU constitutional and Lisbon Treaties, they were asked to vote again. We must force our MPs to do the same. There are loads of other petitions but they are too similar to the one that was granted a debate so therefore will get rejected by the committee responsible.

The EU REFERENDUM CAMPAIGN have started a new petition, it is worded differently so the EU can be re-debated due to a clause in the programme for Government, that the people will be able to table their own bill. Like what happened in other European Counties let’s keep having them vote until we get the ”right” result!!”

The National Liberal Party fully supports this new initiative. We are great believers in direct democracy and feel that all major decisions should be made via national referendums. Whatever your views on the EU, at the end of the day it must come down to the people’s choice and NOT professional politicians!

You can sign the new EU Referendum petition here:

After signing the EU Referendum petition, why not also sign the NLPs petition calling for true democracy and true representation. You can find it here:
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