Magna Carta Day – 15th June!
Happy Magna Carta Day!
Today is a symbolic day of liberty as the signing of the Magna Carta (June 15 1215) was the first acknowledgement that a Kings subjects had rights. The National Liberal Party puts the protection of individual civil liberties at the forefront of its policies. Some examples are:
* Creation of a Civil Liberties Watchdog Commission (later upgrading to a Ministry incorporating existing and complimentary bodies e.g. the Information Commissioner)
* Making Magna Carta Day a public holiday (we only get 8 days compared to France who get 10) to celebrate our countries commitment to LIBERTY
* Putting the Magna Carta onto our schools National Curriculum to help teach students the meaning and issue of Liberty.
If you agree please join or donate today!
The party’s new National Secretary Glen Maney has launched a Magna Carta Day video explaining that the signing of the Magna Carta by King John over 700 years was the first recognition that his subjects had rights and paved the way for what we cherish today.
Glen however points out that many of our liberties are today under threat. He also talks about how our way of life is still worth preserving and of our support for a ‘Green’ future. He is asking viewers to join or donate to the party so that we may work to Protect our liberties, our Sovereignty and our Green & Pleasant land.
Please join or donate either now or on the 15th June!
Date: June 2, 2011
Categories: UK News