Saturday, 8 February 2025

From the Liberty Wall – Nations without States – Issue 1 of Freedom coming soon!

The National Liberal Party believes the nation-state offers the best defence for democratic rights, as it provides the most stable form of citizenship and encourages communal sacrifice. Unfortunately, there are many captive nations around the world trapped within larger states, struggling to be free. Thus, as believers in the nation-state and self-determination we sponsored the pressure group Nations without States to help coordinate the various nationalist groups. Below is one of their latest reports.

ISSUE 1 of Freedom – the Street Paper of the Nations without States Facebook group – will be out soon!

It will act as our ‘Red Top’ paper and has been written to appeal to readers of the Star, Mirror and Sun. It’ll feature screaming – and sometimes provocative – headlines, graphics, photographs and straightforward reporting. The idea behind Freedom is to provide a simple introduction to the concept of self-determination.

Nations without States – NwS – feels that Freedom is essential in order to promote self-determination to its target audience. Let’s be honest, not everyone is as interested in the rights of small nations as we are. Indeed, it’s a sure fire bet that many of our people will never even have heard of the plight of the Matebele, Tamils, Tibetans, Sikhs and others. Indeed, not many will be aware that the English are discriminated against by Westminster as well!

It’s our intention that Freedom – with its no nonsense and straight-to-the-point style – will initially grab the attention of its target audience. It then has to wean its target audience away from the X Factor, Hello! and various soaps. Then the long process of education must begin.

NwS spoke to one of those involved in the production of Freedom. He noted:

“To some extent the first few issues may well be produced on a ‘trial and error’ basis in both design and content. For instance, in design we’re going to try out different mastheads, colour schemes and typefaces.

Content wise, we’ve previously only really written to a Daily Mail or Daily Express level. So this type of outreach material is very new to us. Try explaining the need for self-determination for several different groups in just a couple of hundred words and you’ll see what we mean!

On saying that, we already have a rough idea of the specific themes for the next few issues. What we’re trying to do is get over the idea that various small nations and peoples want, desire and deserve self-determination.”

He also confirmed that NwS intends to produce publications aimed at readers of the Daily Mail and Daily Express and ‘broadsheets’ like The Times, Guardian and Daily Telegraph.

Freedom is essentially a populist agitprop street paper, which’ll be used as a regular leaflet. However, there’s at least two other target groups we need to reach. These people want more than just screaming banner headlines, dramatic artwork and photos. So we’re going to have to cater for them as well. As well as more in-depth papers, this’ll have to include booklets and books and so on. ”

We also spoke the Committee of Nations without States – Jagdeesh Singh, Graham Williamson and Sockalingam Yogalingam. They are under no illusion at the enormity of the task in front of them:

“We’re up against powerful centralised governments who have got a vested interest in denying people self-determination. Some of these governments are openly dictatorial – indeed, they’re not adverse to a spot of genocide. Even some of the ‘democratic’ governments just pay lip service to true democracy and human rights.

They also have lots of money to spend on PR. In many cases they can call upon a compliant media to either smear those fighting for self-determination or simply not bother reporting views which represent an ‘inconvenient truth’. A case in point is the US and UK media blackout of Paul Siwela’s trial – he’s facing High Treason for handing out a few leaflets – in Zimbabwe. As we noted in a recent article (see here: from-the-liberty-wall-nations-without-states-2) this should be big news. But there’s not been a peep out of the press. Why not?”

The NwS Committee continued:

“Given the above situation, unfortunately we have to compare the fight for self-determination to a war. Sadly, we just don’t have the resources, manpower or money to fight these governments head on. Therefore, we have to conduct what may be termed a political guerilla war.

To do this we’ve developed a strategy which includes building different forms of counter-power. Basically we’re going to have to create a parallel system that belongs to the people and not those governments who oppose self-determination.

The first form of counter-power we must build is the infrastructure of an alternative mass media of news and entertainment. This is why we hope to bring Freedom out in the not too distant future.

We’ll be discussing NwS strategy again soon – but in the meantime prepare to get issue 1 of Freedom onto the streets!”

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