Thursday, 19 September 2024

From The Liberty Wall – St. George’s Committee – A Tale Of Two Cities!

MANY ENGLISH ADVOCATES recently celebrated St. George’s Day in style. However, as this report from the St. George’s Committee notes, not everyone is in favour of letting the English celebrate their national day in England.

The St. George’s Committee is a cultural organisation. Indeed, it is a Anglo-centric movement which seeks to preserve, protect and promote English history, heritage, traditions, identity and culture.

Those who’re interested in supporting the St. George’s Committee with their work should check out their Facebook page:


A Tale Of Two Cities!

ONCE AGAIN the Stone Cross St George Community Organisation pulled out all the stops to celebrate St George’s Day!

Thousands attended the family-orientated St George’s Day parade in West Bromwich. The parade ended with a family fun day and rally at Dartmouth Park. Entertainment in the park included go karts, bouncy castles, a fair, craft stalls and living history encampments.

For further details check out the Facebook site of Stone Cross St George:

Less pleasing to English Advocates was the actions of Bristol City Council who allowed the national day to pass without a single official event.

According to a report in the Express – which, admittedly, is ‘right wing’ in orientation:

‘Council chiefs said 91 different languages are spoken in the town and it would be “very difficult to commemorate them all”.

Some in the area feel as though the English symbol has been hijacked by far right groups and are concerned about being branded “racist”.’

Thankfully, some Bristol-based community-led St. George’s Day celebrations went ahead. However, the St. George’s Committee is getting tired and frustrated with our flag, our people and our nation constantly being linked to ‘racism’.

However, it’s our belief that if the local authorities don’t – or won’t – acknowledge St. George’s Day, then the English must do it ourselves. We must resist what increasingly appear to be official attempts to airbrush the English from history.

English Advocates (including the St. George’s Committee) should look to the Stone Cross St George Community Organisation to see what a few determined individuals can achieve.

Neither should we take accusations of racism lying down.

First of all English are not a race – we are an ethnic group. And an ethnic group is simply a group of individuals who share a common yet unique self-identity.

Ethnic groups usually share a common self-name and a sense of common identity amongst the individuals who are identified within the group.

The common factors that distinguish an ethnic group include language, a common history, a common ancestry, customs and the sharing of a common geographical area or origin.

Ethnicity is different to race in that race is biologically predetermined but ethnicity is something that is culturally conditioned, sometimes subjectively perceived and not necessarily objective.

The important feature of ethnicity is that members of an ethnic group are conscious of belonging to an ethnic group.

With this in mind, English Advocates must throw the accusation of ‘racism’ back into the faces of those who spout it in the first place. For they are the real racists!

The proof of this can easily be demonstrated.

For the people who accuse the English of being racist (just because we wish to celebrate our national day) would not dare accuse the Irish, Scots or any others of racism if they wanted to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day or St. Andrew’s Day.

We have absolutely no problem with this. We have nothing against other groups wishing to celebrate their uniqueness. However, we object to being discriminated against – and we object to the English not being allowed to celebrate our Patron Saint in our own land!

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